Markers, Pup Joints & Accessories
Global Steel distributes casing markers, pup joints and tubing pup joints which are manufactured according to API 5CT. Pup joints are available in 2 ft (0.61m), 4 ft (1.22m), 6 ft (1.83m), 8 ft (2.44m) and 10 ft (3.05m) lengths external upset (EUE). Casing marker joints are available in longer lengths (custom lengths as requested). Grades range from J55 and P110 to L80. Premium connections and threads are also available upon request. Fully detailed Mill Test Reports (MTRs) are available.
Perforated pup joints are available in custom sizes with perforation spacing as requested.
Global Steel also provides blast joints available in box-by-pin, box-by-box
or pin-by-pin configurations. They are available with API or premium T&C connections.